A downloadable game for Windows

English description are below Japanese description


ようこそ、そしてこんにちは ^•ω•^!

Sunny Side Upはウェーブ制のTPSシューターであり、私の推しのストリーマーを題材にしたファンメイドゲームです!




もしよければ感想をハッシュタグ #SunnySideUpGame でXにポストしたりこのページに書いてもらえると嬉しいです!


宇宙からやってきた、イエローモンスターキャットのSunny Sandwiches(さにーさんどいっち)^•ω•^





!itch.ioの公式ランチャーアプリからのインストール推奨です ※理由は下記のブラウザからインストールの注意箇所に記載しています!

1. itch.ioのアカウントを作成する


2. itch.ioのランチャーアプリをダウンロード、インストールする


3. ランチャーアプリの「ゲームを探す」で「Sunny Side Up」を検索する。あるいは「ゲームを探す」画面のURL入力欄に「https://k117117117.itch.io/sunny-side-up」と入力しページに移動する(Enterを押す)

4. 「ダウンロード」ボタンを押し、表示されるダイアログからファイルやインストール先を選んで「インストール」を押す

5. ゲームのインストールが終わったら「起動」してください!「ライブラリ」からインストールしたゲームにアクセスすることもできます




1. 「ダウンロード」ボタンを押す

2. ダウンロードが終わると「sunny-side-up-windows.zip」がダウンロードフォルダで見つかるはずです。これをWindows標準の解凍ソフトやお使いの解凍ソフト(7zip, winRAR等)等で好きな場所に解凍してください。

3. 解凍したフォルダまたは解凍した場所にある「SunnyALS.exe」をダブルクリックで起動してください!











あるいはAlt + Tabで一旦フォーカスを外してからウィンドウサイズを変えたりAlt + Enterでウィンドウモードを変更したりしてみてください。

ゲームの設定ファイル等は %LOCALAPPDATA\SunnyALS\Saved 以下の各フォルダにあります。(例: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\SunnyALS\Saved)

(Windowsのエクスプローラのアドレスバーに %LOCALAPPDATA\SunnyALS\Saved と打ち込んでEnterを押せば閲覧できるはずです)


またグラフィック設定等を自分で調整する場合は Config\Windows以下にあるiniファイルを開いて調整してください(GameUserSettings.ini等)。

ただiniファイルを直接書き換えることを想定していないのでそれによって不具合が起こった場合は %LOCALAPPDATA\SunnyALS 以下のフォルダを全て削除したうえでゲームを再インストールしてみてください。




Hello everyone ^•ω•^!

Sunny Side Up is a wave-based TPS shooter and a fan-made game based on my favorite streamer!

This is the first game I've created and my first public work!

I worked hard to develop this game so that both her fans and those who don't know her can enjoy it!

I would be very happy if you enjoyed it!

Post your impressions on X with #SunnySideUpGame if you would not mind or leave comments on this page!


Sunny Sandwiches, the yellow monster cat from the Sun ^•ω•^

Her mission is to observe Humankind through game-streaming activities on Earth.

The space research agency that noticed her activities are sending agents to secure her and put her under their control!

Will Sunny be able to dispel the threat that attacks her?

How to Install

! It is recommended to install from the official launcher app of itch.io *The reason is stated in the notes on "How to install from the browser" section below !

1. Create an itch.io account


2. Download and install the itch.io launcher app


3. Search for "Sunny Side Up" in "Search for games" in the launcher app. Alternatively, enter "https://k117117117.itch.io/sunny-side-up" in the URL input field of the "Search for a game" section and move to the page (press Enter).

4. Press the "Download", then select the file and install location from the dialog that appears, and press "Install".

5. You are ready to go! You can also access installed game from your “Library”

!How to install from a browser!

Note: When installing from a browser, depending on the browser settings and the settings of your antivirus software, you may not be able to unzip the zip file, the game's executable file (exe) may be deleted, or you may be asked whether or not to run it on launching the game.

If you are having trouble launching the game after downloading it from your browser, please try installing the game via the itch.io official launcher app mentioned above.

1. Press the "Download"

2. Once the download is complete, you could find "sunny-side-up-windows.zip" in your download folder. Unzip this to any location you want using Windows standard unzip software or your favorite unzip software (7zip, winRAR, etc.).

3. Double-click "SunnyALS.exe" in the unzipped folder or unzipped location to start it!

Notes and others

Supported Languages : Japanese and English

Space required : 4GB

You can check the terms of use and disclaimer in-game, so please check there!

Gamepad support is limited!

You can use gamepads to control a player character only, so please use a mouse to interact with the menus and UI.

There is also no aim assist!

I only checkd that XInput gamepads work

When you select windowed mode in the display settings, the title bar may extend to the top of the display.

In that case, try changing the window size by double-clicking the slightly visible title bar at the top or dragging the mouse cursor around the edge of the window.

Alternatively, try removing the focus with Alt + Tab and then changing the window size or changing the window mode with Alt + Enter.

Game settings files are located in the following folders: %LOCALAPPDATA\SunnyALS\Saved. (Example: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\SunnyALS\Saved)

(You should be able to view it by typing %LOCALAPPDATA\SunnyALS\Saved in the address bar of Windows Explorer and pressing Enter.)

If the in-game settings become strange, try deleting the files under SaveGames.

Also, if you want to adjust the graphic settings yourself, please open the ini file located under Config\Windows and adjust it (GameUserSettings.ini etc.).

However, it is not intended to directly rewrite the ini file, so if this causes problems, please delete all folders under %LOCALAPPDATA\SunnyALS and reinstall the game.

This game is created as a hobby and for self-study purposes.

Therefore, bug fixes and updates will be implemented at the discretion of me.


sunny-side-up-windows.zip 3.7 GB
Version 2 93 days ago

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